Creating an Account

Getting Started

To create your Jetpac account, click the "PREPARE FOR TAKEOFF!" button on the welcome screen. You'll need to complete the following steps:

  1. Location Access

    You'll be asked to grant location access. The options vary by platform:


    • Allow While Using App: Allows access only when the app is active
    • Allow Once: Grants one-time access for this session
    • Don't Allow: Denies location access


    • While using the app: Allows access only during active use
    • Only this time: Grants one-time access
    • Don't allow: Opts out of location services

    You can change these settings later in your device's privacy settings.

  2. Birthday Information

    Enter your date of birth using the date selector. This information is kept private and won't be displayed publicly.

  3. Account Details

    You'll need to provide:

    • Profile Image: Your profile image (We support GIFs!)
    • Username: Your unique @handle (e.g. @bobby)
    • Display Name: Your preferred display name (e.g. Bobby Jones)
    • Email: Your email address for account verification
    • Password: Create and confirm a secure password

Important Notes

  • All fields are required to complete registration
  • Your username must be unique but it can be changed after registration
  • By creating an account, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • Make sure to use a strong, unique password for your account security

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues during registration, please contact our support team for assistance.